
Showing posts from May, 2020


Networking#2: Swithching Technique


Python Programming #Example of __init__(), __del__(), class variable, object variable and their uses

#Example of __init__(), __del__(), class variable, object variable and their uses class Bbh: n= 10 # this is class variable def __init__ ( self , x): Bbh.n+= 20 # 1st use of class variable it will work for every object self .n+= 10 #2nd use of class variable it will work only once self .x=x # x is the object variable print ( "the value of object variable=" , x) print ( "the value of class variable=" , self .n) def __del__ ( self ): Bbh.n= 0 print ( "Object variable = " , self .x , " Class variable= " , self .n) # the above statement print the each of value of object variable # and value of last modified class variable # the __init__() like constructor in C++ will be executed automatically obj1=Bbh( 5 ) obj2=Bbh( 15 ) obj3=Bbh( 25 ) # del is use to free the memory and to execute the method __del__(). It is same as destructor in C++ # but in C++ it executed au...

Python Programming: Roots of Quardratic Equation

#Finding Roots of a quardratic Equation import math a=int(input("Enter the value of a : ")) b=int(input("Enter the value of b : ")) c=int(input("enter the value of c : ")) dis=b**2-4*a*c # finding discriminant if(dis>0):     print("Roots are Real and unequal")     sq=math.sqrt(dis)     r1=(-b+sq)/(2*a)     r2=(-b-sq)/(2*a) elif(dis<0):     print("Roots are Imaginary ")     r1=complex(-b,math.sqrt(abs(dis)))/(2*a)     r2 = complex(-b, -math.sqrt(abs(dis))) / (2 * a) else:     print("Roots are Real and Equal")     r1 = -b / (2 * a)     r2 = r1 print("Roots are : r1=", r1, ", r2=", r2)

Python Programming: Area of Triangle

#Find the area of triangle import math a= int ( input ( "Enter the length of first side : " )) b= int ( input ( "Enter the length of second side : " )) c= int ( input ( "Enter the lenth of third side : " )) if ((a+b)>c and (c+a)>b and (b+c)>a): s=(a+b+c)/ 2 Area=math.sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)) print ( "Area of the triangle : " , Area) else : print ( "Invalid Triangle" ) Output: Run 1:  Enter the length of first side : 2 Enter the length of second side : 2 Enter the lenth of third side : 6 Invalid Triangle Run 2: Enter the length of first side : 6 Enter the length of second side : 4 Enter the lenth of third side : 7 Area of the triangle : 11.976539567003485

Networking Test 1


Communication media slides


Communication Channel or Media


Python Programming: Checking of Armstrong Number

#Program to check whether a number is Armstrong or Not n=int(input("Enter a number")) s=0 n1=n while(n>0):     r=n%10     s=s+(r**3)     n=n/10 if(s==n1):     print(n1," is Armstrong Number") else:     print(n1," is not Armstrong Number")    

Python Programming: Ternary operator and lambda function

Ternary operator and the lamda function  in Python: a=int(input("Enter first no ")) b=int(input("Enter second no ")) #Ternary operator used with Lambda function max=lambda a,b: a if a>b else b print("Biggest no. ",max(a,b)) #Simply use of ternary operator in Python print("Smallest no. ", a if a<b else b) # you can use this type also min=a if a<b else b print("Smallest no. ", min)

Python Programming: Swapping two numbers using Function

def swap(a,b):     a,b=b,a     print("After swapping","a=",a," b=",b) a=10 b=20 print("Before swapping a=",a," and b=",b) swap(a,b)

Programming in C

// PALINDROME NUMBER #include <stdio.h> void main () { int n, n1, r, s; printf ("Enter any number "); scanf("%d",&n); n1=n; while(n1!=0) {       r=n%10;       n=n/10;       s=s*10+r; } if (s==n)     printf("%d is Palindrome ",n); else     printf("%d is not Palindrome ",n); }

Communication Media পরিবহন মাধ্যম


Data Transmission


Network Topology

Questions:  Bus, Ring and Star topology এর মধ্যে পার্থক্য লেখ। Mesh topology তে 40 টি node  থাকলে মোট তারের সংখ্যা নির্ণয় কর। Mesh topology তে প্রতিটি node এ CONNECTION এর সংখ্যা কতো? Ring topology তে কি পদ্ধতিতে তথ্য আদান প্রদান করা হয়? Backbone কাকে বলে? Star topology এর দুটি অসুবিধা লেখ।

Network Architecture and Type of Network

2nd class